” A Clean Vessel Fitted For the Master’s Use” – James Swanson

“A Clean Vessel Fitted for the Master’s Use”
II Cor. 4: 7
In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. He created man after His own image. God then looked at all that He had expertly crafted and said……..”It is good”. God was pleased with the vessels that He had created. These vessels hold the treasure that is referenced in II Corinthians 4:7. That treasure is the Gospel. God wants clean vessels to contain so great a gospel; clean vessels available to spread the good news of just how great our God is!
How do we keep our vessels clean? What cleaner can we use? Both are valid questions. We understand that the vessel referenced in our theme cannot be cleaned with any earthly, man made cleaner. The required cleanser cannot be purchased in our local stores; you cannot find it online. It will not come as a UPS or FedEx delivered package, left at your front door. The cleaner that your vessel requires can only be delivered by the Holy Spirit, after you accept Christ as Lord and Savior. This cleaner works from the inside out. It works on the heart and mind of those who will submit to the Master. As we allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in us, lead us, and guide us………then and only then do we begin to see a washing away of all those things that hold us hostage to sin.
Remaining clean requires action on our part. We must read and study the word of God (II Timothy 2:15). We must attend regular worship service (Hebrews 10:25), and continually pray (I Thessalonians 5:17). Seek God! He will help us to keep our vessels CLEAN and FITTED for HIS use!